It's 2020, and among many of your new year resolutions, an important one should be about eating and living healthier. There are so many changes that you can adapt to in order to become healthy. The first change you can bring to your lifestyle is by choosing a healthy diet plan. Here are a few suggestions to help you with your food selection when it comes to eating from a nutritious plate. Hands with a knife and fork ready to eat healthy First off, you need to ensure you are consuming the right amount of calories. If you consume too much, you will gain weight, whereas if you consume too little, you will shed weight. For an adult man, the right amount of calorie intake can be 2500, and for a woman, it can be 2000 calories per day. Carbohydrates These should be about one-third of everything you eat in a day. Foods that contain starchy carbohydrates include rice, bread, potatoes, cereals, and pasta. This might sound fattening to you but it is really not. Carbohydrates are your source of energy. So make sure you include some in your diet. There is_also_evidence_that some carbohydrates are healthy. Fruits and Vegetables If you are wondering how to eat healthily in 2020, then you will benefit from knowing that eating fruits or vegetables five times a day will promise you a healthier life. You can easily eat bananas in the morning, orange mid-morning, and an apple in the evening. If you struggle with eating vegetables, then be creative with the way you consume them. For example, you can consider a_veggie based soups or make a vegetable smoothie. A girl with a fruit bowl in her hands Have Some Fish If you want to know for sure how to eat healthily in 2019, eat some fish at least twice a week. Fish has a lot of protein and contains a lot of minerals. If you want to consume Omega-3 fats and vitamins, eating fish is the best way to do that. Fish is a great alternative to eating meat, so this could be a great chance for you to learn how to cook more fish dishes. Avoid Salt Salt can increase your blood pressure, so if you are thinking about how to eat healthily in 2019, don't eat large quantities of salt. Also, if you have a family history of having high blood pressure, go easy on the salt intake if you want to avoid heart disease or stroke. Research has shown the impact of high salt consumption. Conclusion There are other actions you should consider factoring into your diet, like reducing your sugar and saturated fat intake. However, starting 2020 with a healthy diet can help reduce disease and also help you to live longer. Also, if you are a restaurant owner, have a catering service or promote healthy eating, sign up to RateUsOnline today for free. RateUsOnline is a review platform that builds awareness by promoting businesses through written content or features on the RateUsOnline website, with the aim to help generate more sales.