What’s the real impact of blood type on health? Could it make people susceptible to different diseases? These are all questions that baffled scientists over the years. But, with the currently available research, it seems that there really is a connection between the blood type and a person’s susceptibility to disease.  Here, we have compiled all the statistical analysis on the different blood groups, including the diseases they are connected with. If you want to find out more about your body, you’ve come to the right place.  Here is all there is to know about the risk factors associated with each blood group. 

Blood Type and Health – How Are They Connected?

All blood, regardless of the type, features the exact same building blocks. But, they all have their own role to play, for example:  • White Blood Cells – are cells responsible for combating infections.  • Red Blood Cells – responsible for transporting oxygen.  • Platelets – help with blood clotting after an injury.  • Plasma – is a fluid that transports the blood cells through the veins. Another important factor is the antigen structure. These antigens are present on the outside of the red blood cells and are meant to protect the blood supply. They can spot invading pathogens and trigger an immune response that will attack these invaders.  The actual impact of blood type on health depends on the antigens and antibody makeup. They cause some blood groups to be more susceptible to certain sicknesses than others. Here is how each blood group is linked to a specific disease. 

How to Find Out Your Blood Type?

If you are wondering how to find out your blood type, you have two choices: get tested at a clinic, or use an at-home testing kit.   If you decide to go to the doctor’s office, a nurse will draw your blood and take it to a lab for further analysis. However, you will have to wait a while, to get the results.  If you are interested in a more practical solution without having to leave the house, you can do that too. Get a blood typing kit that uses a needle for pricking the finger. This kit is equipped with reagents that detect the Rh factor and antibodies in the human system, quite like the one they use at the clinic to find out one's blood type. The sooner you find out your blood type, the better. Remember, every type of blood needs a specific blood type diet. While it’s essential to eat diverse meals, some blood types benefit from certain types of food. So, you should include them more in your diet. Here are the typical options of good foods that should be included in a blood type diet. For example, for type O, it’s best to choose foods high in protein, type A fruits, type B meats, seafood, and grains, and for AB all kinds of dairy, grains, and fruits.  pathologist holding test tube with blood sample

Blood Type and Health - 7 Different Types of Impact

Most people check their blood groups to safely receive or donate blood. But, there is another factor that people often fail to notice – susceptibility to diseases. The building blocks in each blood type could put people at risk of developing some medical conditions.  Here are a couple of ways your health and blood group are connected. 

1. Cardiovascular Illness

There is a clear correlation between the type of blood and the heart. Since the heart is responsible for pumping the blood for the rest of the body, different antigens can put the heart at risk. Based on clinical reports, it is all because of the ABO gene.  Since the gene exposes the body to blood pressure fluctuations, it also exposes the heart to potential health problems.  This gene is highly present in individuals with B, A, and AB blood groups. People associated with these blood groupings are at high risk of developing any cardiovascular diseases while the O blood type has a moderate to low risk of experiencing these health issues. 

2. Blood Clots

Blood clotting can be a serious problem for certain individuals. Based on studies, A and B blood groupings are at risk of developing this health problem.  The ABO gene is closely related to heart conditions, especially when the heart and lungs are exposed to long periods of air pollution.  As we mentioned before, individuals with the ABO gene are already exposed to heart problems. But, when there is an outside influence that adds even more fuel to the fire, it makes people vulnerable to a heart attack.  The major difference between the ABO gene and O type is the number of blood clots present in the veins. People with B or A blood group have a 47% chance of developing blocked arteries in the lungs, and a 51% chance of vein thrombosis compared to those with O blood type. 

3. Infectious Diseases

Some blood groups are more vulnerable to contagious illnesses, stated Amesh A. Adalja, an expert on infectious diseases. These are individuals with blood type A. Due to their antigen buildup, they are more vulnerable to viruses, like cholera, and might experience more loose bowels and nausea than other blood groups. This can explain how your blood type affects your risk of COVID-19. Based on reports from the BBC, out of the 206 patients evaluated with the coronavirus, 85% of the infected had type A blood group.  While the research is still in its early phase, it seems that individuals with this type of blood group should be extra vigilant when protecting themselves against COVID-19. 

4. Cancer

There are numerous factors that can contribute to cancer, but sometimes, the blood type could be one of them.  Type A individuals have a 20% higher odds of developing tummy cancer than type O individuals. While Type O could be more susceptible to renal cancer, susceptibility to skin cancer is present in all blood groupings, but for the O types, it can prove a more serious problem. 

5. Dementia and Loss of Memory

According to Penn Medicine, the ABO gene has a major influence on memory and brain function. In fact, individuals with this gene are 83% more likely to develop memory issues than those with O type. In some cases, this could cause dementia.  The main contributor could be high cholesterol, blood pressure, or a metabolic condition. All these health problems are known for resulting in cognitive impairment, and in rare cases – dementia. Once the blood circulation to the brain is interrupted, it could also affect the heart. 

6. Poor Fertility

People with type O may have the most beneficial blood for donation, but they are also susceptible to major health problems. Clinical reports show that this blood group exposes individuals to peptic ulcers. It also has an increased possibility of contributing to a decline in fertility in women.  Actually, women with type O, are vulnerable to having poor egg quality and decreased egg count than those with the ABO gene. 

7. Malaria Resistance

According to studies, individuals with type O are less likely to get infected with malaria. This blood group uses a unique mechanism to fend off the disease and protect the body. Unfortunately, the ABO gene doesn’t have that natural protection and is very vulnerable to the infection. 

What Should You Do to Protect Yourself?

There is no need to feel distressed. Even though the blood type might seem like a serious problem, it’s not the only contributor to health complications. Everything can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and proper treatment. As long as you have the right tactic, you will always be one step ahead. The trick is to:  • Eat a well-balanced diet  • Avoid polluted areas  • Get physically active  • Sleep well  • Drop unhealthy habits (smoking, drinking, eating unhealthy meals)  • Regularly monitor your health condition. Don’t forget, if you have any underlying medical condition, or you believe to be at risk of developing a serious disease, it’s best to consult with your doctor. Monitoring your health status can be immensely helpful in the long run. 

Final Thoughts

The blood type is one of the many factors that can enhance the risk of developing certain health issues. However, it is not the only contributor. Your lifestyle, health, and habits will have a major role to play. Of course, being aware of your possible health problems could have a major impact on your life.  By figuring out what your blood grouping is capable of, you will find the right tactic to manage the condition. The key is to stay healthy, lead an active lifestyle, and give the body the protection it deserves. With the right habits, you can avoid many serious health issues.