There is no right age when your kids should start having voice lessons. The fact of the matter is that there are various methods of learning, various vocal exercises and techniques, and various areas of voice that are important for a kid to learn in different stages of the development of vocal cords or folds. That’s why it’s important to opt for singing teachers UK who understand these changes and offer singing lessons for kids that keep your child’s voice in perfect shape and health. This article discusses the different stages of development that will allow you to understand how vocal coaches UK can help your kid to sing correctly in each one.

Singing Lessons for Kids

two kids having singing lessons together There’s a serious and ongoing debate between music experts and professionals. Some of them say that you should not opt for professional singing classes for kids until they reach puberty. On the other hand, some experts suggest that voice lessons for kids can help them become a great singer. Singing lessons for kids requires a great amount of effort, focus, and most importantly time.  At first, the focusing is not very much involved as compared to expecting your kid to perform perfectly at sight reading or ear training. In simple words, a kid has to be at a certain age in order to concentrate for about 30-40 minutes on something to start practicing and learn. Additionally, each kid had a different concentration span. However, you can schedule a few online singing lessons UK with a vocal coach to judge your kid’s behaviour. It will allow you to understand whether voice lessons for kids can help your child or not.

How Do Your Child’s Vocal Cords Act Before Puberty?

The younger the kid the thinner and smaller the vocal cords. Additionally, there are also no visible and calculable differences between pre-pubescent females and pre-pubescent males. It’s important to note that when an adult singer sings low notes, his/her vocal cords usually become big and think. Whereas, when s/he sings the high note the opposite is true, and his/her vocal cords become small and thin. Therefore, the young kids’ tessitura (the most comfortable and natural place to sing) is lighter and higher because of the very nature of their vocal cords. That’s why it’s difficult for them to sing, especially the lower notes.  This is the most significant reason why many experts argue that it’s not a wise choice to opt for singing lessons for kids at a very young age. They say that it can hurt their voice, however, research and science doesn’t back their claim. SchooloFork states that singing lessons are good for every child after 7 years of age. 

How Should Your Kid Sing Before Puberty?

It’s best for the pre-pubescent kids both female and male to sing mostly in the higher range. Moreover, they should concentrate on a repertoire that can comfortably (without hurting) sit high. Your kids need to avoid singing the songs that are too low especially if they’re in elementary age. You also have to make sure that the singing teachers UK you opt for offer singing lessons for kids that don’t involve low pitch songs. The kids won’t be able to sing in the lower range because their vocal cords for that are still under development. Not only can it hurt them but they also won’t be able to produce any healthy sound. It can also wear on your kid’s developing voice that can keep him/her from improving the vocal range.

Vocal Cords During Your Kid’s Puberty!

Students Singing In Choir Keep in mind that the age of puberty is the most delicate as well as an important stage of vocal development. You’d most probably already know that in puberty both of the genders undergo drastic vocal, body, and emotional changes. If your kid is a girl then she will start undergoing these changes at the age of 10-14 years. During that time, she will experience dramatic changes in her vocal cords as they’ll become thicker. Most of the time it results in unsteadiness, huskiness, and a little breathiness in the voice.  Pretty much the same is the case with the vocal cords of a male kid during his puberty that causes a pitch drop in the voice. The difference is that males will still be able to sing in the high range. Experts suggest that it’s important for a male kid to keep practicing high range during puberty. It will allow him to keep his upper range intact even after puberty.

How Should Your Kid Sing at the Age of Puberty!

The singing lessons for kids that you opt for must not ask your female kid to sing loudly during her puberty. It is of great importance because it can harm her changing voice. Most vocal coaches UK understand it and focus on light singing during that time and allow female kids to explore singing repertoire in low, middle, and high ranges. Additionally, female kids in their puberty experience the inability to close their vocal cords properly that causes breathiness. However, good teachers offering singing classes for kids know how to correct it by various techniques.  On the other hand, a male singer needs to sing high, middle, and low notes in the upper soprano head register, middle mix register, and lower chest register. It will allow him to reach his full potential and maximize his singing range even after puberty. The use of the upper soprano head is mostly neglected. You have to make sure that voice lessons for kids that you select consider this register. By far it is the most important register that allows a male kid to keep the high range intact. It’s also equally important for a male kid during his puberty not to sing too soft or too loud. It will allow him to maintain his vocal cords through a healthy transition. During puberty or the voice development stage, for both female and male natural vibrato takes its place in the voice. It must not be consciously made or manufactured by any means.

Scenario After Puberty!

The vocal development in humans doesn’t stop even after full maturity (18 years). However, the vocal cords both in male and female reach full maturity by then. That’s why it's important to continue learning new techniques if your kid still wants to sing.  One of the most important things that the singing classes for kids should focus on regardless of the vocal development stage or age is the support of the singer’s voice with his/her body and correct diaphragmatic breathing.

So, the Right Age to Start!

History tells us that the most successful and popular singers started taking singing lessons for kids at a very young age. The results can be mind-boggling if the kids are correctly taught and instructed. So, the answer is simple as stated earlier, that there is no right or wrong age to start taking voice lessons for kids. The only thing to keep in mind is that your kid is taking the right instructions regarding the right techniques at the right time and the stage of vocal development. 

Benefits of Taking Kids Singing Lessons

If you hire an excellent vocal coach to give correct singing lessons for kids, s/he can be the very first step to:

Nurture Your Kid’s Talent

Singing and playing on musical instruments with my mommy Teaching children anything at a very young age is not an easy task. It can undoubtedly induce healthy vocal habits and it can also develop a good taste and passion for music. Taking singing lessons at a young age can nurture your kid’s talent in a more relaxed and better manner as compared to young adults. So, with the right voice lessons for kids, the young talent can blossom incredibly. 

Develops Better Brain Function

Singing lessons for kids is not only about learning to sing. It can help your kid in various ways such as exposure, personality development, and more. The research and studies show that singing classes for kids help them to expand and nurture their motor skills, improves coordination, and enhances brain development. These factors can help kids to also develop new ways to communicate and express themselves.

Connects with Others

You must have already heard or read it somewhere that music is a universal language. Singing lessons for kids help them to connect and communicate with others. It can even transcend countless cultural differences and beliefs. Not only does it help them to connect to others but it also opens up their inner and outer world. They learn many new things through artistic expression and creativity. All of these benefits put positive effects on the well-being and health of your kids.  Conclusion Every kid can have an incredible voice if trained properly and the singing coach plays the most vital role in that. You can find the best ones by searching “best singing classes for kids near me” on google search. Moreover, we recommend you to opt for online courses such as Zoom or Skype singing lessons UK, because of the current situation of the world. Whatever you do, make sure that your kid gets the right instructions and the right time to develop a strong, healthy, and beautiful voice.