The best staff members are like a four-leaf clover: difficult to find, but lucky to have. You’ve surely heard in many businesses of the perfect employee, a unique person who is sociable, skilled, devoted, and ambitious. Someone who can help the business grow, bring in a considerable amount of revenue, and still hang out with colleagues.  We call that employee a "breath of fresh air," and it’s true. With their positive outlook and happy attitude, a person like that has a lot to offer. The question is, how can you get an entire team exactly like that four-leaf clover? 
Well being employees at their workplace Multi-ethnic people working in a modern well equipped office
What if we told you there is an easy solution? Only one key factor stands between success and failure in the workplace – the well-being of your employees. It may sound banal at first, but there is a lot of truth to it. This is why businesses should make workplace wellbeing a priority.

What is Workplace Wellbeing?

Workplace wellbeing refers to the overall quality of life that an employee experiences while working. Several factors affect worker well-being and employers must pay attention to all these factors if they want positive and productive employees.

Physical Environment

This pertains to all physical aspects of the employee’s workplace, from the building layout to the office furniture. A worker’s quality of work is affected by several factors, such as temperature, lighting, noise, and even office appliances. For example, workers become uncomfortable if the temperature inside the office is too hot, or if there is insufficient lighting.
Male Japanese professional sitting at a table in a co-working space, using laptop computer.
Workplace well-being can be attained if an employee has a certain degree of control over their surroundings. Employees feel more positively about the jobs if they can change certain aspects of their physical environment that are hindering their performance.

Passion for the Job

Employees who are not passionate about what they do, and see it only as an income-generating job, can never produce exceptional results. This is why companies should always ensure that each employee’s role is in line with their interests and passion.

Company Culture

Company culture is a key factor in workplace well-being, as well as employee retention. Recent studies show that around 79% of employees in the US say that company culture is a vital component of job satisfaction. Company culture encompasses everything from company policies and core values, to how employers treat their employees and how employees treat each other. A company that fosters a culture of respect and work-life balance will most likely have productive, well-adjusted employees. Employees feel stressed and unhappy with their work if they feel like their bosses don’t value them or don’t care about their happiness.

Why Does Workplace Well Being Matter?

Plenty of research has evaluated the effect of workplace wellbeing in businesses around the globe. One particular survey published in 2020 has analyzed why businesses should make workplace wellbeing a priority. The results were simple.  Of all the employees surveyed from different companies, 83% stated businesses that incorporated wellness programs for their workforce made a significant positive impact on their staff’s health. And 84% stated programs such as these help employees perform better and be more productive. This is immensely important since, according to studies, 26% of employees are often disengaged at work. They can’t find a way to improve their productivity, feel unhappy, and pass on that negativity to their colleagues. Having something that can create a complete turnover is immensely beneficial for all companies, no matter how small or big they may be.  That’s why it’s essential to learn few ways to help your employees feel better at their workplace. Once you’ll implement all those changes, you might see some surprising results, including an increase in productivity and effectiveness of your employees.

4 Ways Workplace Well Being Can Help

Employees are spending most of their waking hours working. Many of them fail to address their wellness and health problems, which can later affect their work. Giving them access to a program that can solve these problems for them can be immensely beneficial for the company in numerous ways. Here is why businesses should make workplace well being a priority.

 1. Boosts Morale

In an ever-growing competitive market, you need employees that demonstrate commitment and dedication. To have that, you first have to supply them with a healthy working environment. Wellness programs can help spread positivity and help bring back that morale. Boosting morale in your workplace should be a priority for any company. You don’t want your employees to lose their enthusiasm and having low morale can bring down an entire team. 

2.  Increases Productivity

Productivity is something that organizations strive for, but sometimes they forget what the benefits of increasing productivity are. The first benefit of increased productivity is decreasing costs. By providing employees with a better work environment and reducing distractions from having too many meetings or unnecessary interactions, you can increase their productivity, which will decrease your costs. Another benefit of increased efficiency is that it allows the company to pursue its goals more easily and with less effort than before because they are able to achieve longer periods without taking breaks since there's an improvement in energy levels throughout all employees, as well as decreased stress rates.  A healthy working environment brings in a considerable difference. Workers will feel more welcome and less worried at work. This will make them more productive and willing to get the job done.

 3. Reduces the Possibility for Workplace Injury

Workplace injuries are something that every company tries to avoid at all costs. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of incidents happening in companies each year, which results in a great price that the employers have to pay.  Since the wellness program promotes healthy living habits, workers will be less prone to illness, injury, or disability. Their immune system will be more prepared, and they decrease the possibility of falling unconscious or losing focus at work. That, in return, means fewer sick leaves in your company. 

 4. Reduces Absenteeism

It's no surprise that absenteeism in the workplace is a serious issue. When employees are absent, it means they're not bringing their A-game to work and that can have a negative impact on your company. Employees who skip work are often unhappy with their working conditions. Since the program makes the team happier and more engaged, the staff are less likely to have the need to skip work. They will feel more enthusiastic and ready to take on different challenges. 

How to improve the well-being of your employees?

If you want to make sure that your employees are satisfied with their workplace, make sure you are improving their well-being. By doing so, you will gain loyal and happy workers who are motivated to come to work each day. Here are few tips on how to achieve it:

1. Provide a healthy work environment 

If your employees are stressed, unmotivated, or simply not happy with their jobs, it can negatively impact the work environment and lead to a lack of productivity. There are many ways you can create a healthier workplace, including providing healthy snacks in the breakroom, adding plants to your office space, and encouraging walking meetings instead of sit-down ones. 
Two female professionals sitting in a co-working space, smiling at each other.

2. Offer flexible working hours 

Offering flexible working hours can improve the well-being of employees. When an employee has flexibility with their work schedule, they are less likely to experience depression, burnout, and insomnia. This type of schedule also improves job satisfaction for those who have a hard time balancing family and work commitments.  When your workers can decide about their working hours, they feel more secure and trusted. They are also more motivated and loyal towards your company; after all, it’s not so easy to find a schedule that will fit their needs. That’s why it’s definitely worth it to trust people in choosing their schedules. 

3. Encourage employees to take time off for personal reasons 

Do you feel that your employees are too stressed? Employees who take time off to recharge can have a better work-life balance and be more productive. When people are feeling burned out, they may make mistakes or get sick. To maintain a healthy work-life balance, employees must take time off to rest and rejuvenate. And while it may seem like the company is losing money by an employee taking time off, this isn't always the case, because employers are more likely to benefit from their employees' well-being.

4. Allow your staff to grow and develop in their career by providing training opportunities 

In the modern workplace, it is important that employees are given opportunities to grow and develop in order for them to feel fulfilled. When people feel happy at work, they will be more passionate about their job and as a result, they will be more productive. Employees often feel the effects of a stagnant career or lack of professional development. This leads to increased levels of stress, burnout, and other negative mental health symptoms. Companies that offer their employees opportunities for growth and development are more likely to have happier, healthier workers.

5. Celebrate successes with the team

One of the most important ways to show your employees you care is by celebrating their successes with them. This will not only improve morale but will also help build a sense of camaraderie between employees.  Celebrate success in small ways- like an email or social media post congratulating someone on a new promotion, or holding an informal lunch meeting where everyone shares what they're working on. If you want to take it up a notch, try organizing some kind of company-wide event that everyone can participate in together!

6. Create an inclusive culture where everyone is heard and valued

Inclusive cultures are based on the understanding that everyone has something they bring to the table. This includes their different backgrounds, beliefs, skillsets, experiences, and more. The goal is for organizations to create environments where all members can thrive by providing them with the opportunities and resources they need.  Creating an inclusive workplace embraces diversity without sacrificing excellence or productivity – in fact, it improves both! Inclusive workplaces support talent development through mentoring programs, coaching initiatives, and community-building efforts aimed at fostering inclusion among staff from diverse backgrounds.  As you can see, there are many benefits of creating an inclusive culture for your employees. By creating a more inclusive environment, you will create happier and healthier employees who are less likely to leave the company.

7. Give raises when appropriate

Employees that feel appreciated and valued are more likely to work harder, be better at their jobs, and stay with the company for longer.  It might seem like a daunting task to give everyone in your company a raise, but it's worth it. When given more money for their time, people are happier and work harder. This is why it's important to give employees raises periodically. Giving your workers a raise is the best way to improve their well-being. Try it out and you'll see how happy they are! Of course, in order to create a perfect workplace, you should try and combine all of those steps together. This way you rest assured that your workers are happy and giving their best back to you.  Final Thoughts With a wellness program, not only will employees feel happier, but it will also boost the entire business as a whole. Creating a healthy working environment is incredibly important for improving morale, productivity, and more. Look at it as a stepping-stone for success. In the long run, it’s a worthwhile investment not only for the staff but for the corporation as well.